Monday, September 14, 2020

We believe in a people-first policy. What that means is that we go to the ground to understand the needs of the user. We don’t assume that we’re hardcore experts in the human race, and we certainly can’t read minds. What we strive to do is maintain an uninterrupted channel of communication with our users. Tell us what you want, and we’ll work with you to achieve it.
For that, we’ve made Oxy highly collaborative. If you’ve got something you’d like to propose, we’re all ears. If you look forward to enjoying fuss-free communication with your SM followers, we’ll provide the best experience. The bottom line is: let’s have an open dialogue and grow together.
For that reason, we aim to hire an international team to optimize each user’s experience regardless of their location. Think about it, who better to fine-tune content than one from your local community? Over the next year, we plan to recruit exceptional representatives in Japan, China, Germany, Morocco, Russia, Brazil and Kurdistan – but we’re not stopping there.
Our international team will do the heavy-lifting, sorting through cultural differences, language barriers, and national policies to provide a seamless social media platform that thrives on mutual respect and transparency.
Each representative will become the brilliant torch of their respective communities as we spread information, understanding, harmony, and passion worldwide. We are all set to eliminate the analytical guesswork so you’ll feel comfortable and at home whenever you log into the Oxy. When you use our platform, you’ll feel like one of us, no matter your background. We don’t judge, and we like you just the way you are.